Saturday, September 16, 2017

Feeding Issues


Kids with ASD usually have some sort of feeding issue.  Feeding involves every sensory system (sight, smell, touch, taste, sound).  Many children have sensory processing difficulties which can make eating certain foods very hard on them.Some of them have gastrointestinal issues that they can't verbalize.  They can also develop behavioral problems at mealtime.  They may learn that they can leave the table and play after refusing a food they didn't  like.  Some kids have rituals around food that make it impossible for them to eat anything that's not a certain color, brand, texture, etc. Being persistent and consistent is key.

ASD individuals usually don't like trying new things.  A strategy that is frequently suggested and I personally have heard it at least twice form a nutritionist at an Autism facility is to withhold their food and they will eat what's on the plate when they're hungry.  Yeah right!  This kid is a stubborn beast!  Plus, I'm not going to starve my child.  That's ridiculous.  Studies have shown that 69% of ASD individuals were unwilling to try new foods and 46% had rituals surrounding their eating habits.  So no, starving them isn't going to help unless you want to cause anxiety and meltdowns at dinner. 

Here is list of what Jaxon will eat:

  • cool ranch doritos
  • crunchy cheetos
  • cheddar jack cheese its
  • sour cream and onion pringles
  • chocolate m&m's
  • classic lays chips
  • mini nilla wafers
  • mini oreos
  • mini chips ahoy cookies
  • popcorn shrimp
  • chicken strips
  • fries
THAT'S IT!  I'm also working on cutting down on the artificial dyes in his diet so for right now m&m's and doritos aren't in my house.  Introducing new foods to Jaxon is easy.  He loves to smell them and look at them, but it takes a bit to get him to even lick it.  He will lick a green bean, but he has yet to bite it.  He will bite into an apple but he won't eat and swallow what he bites off.  His diet is extremely limited and that is why he has 3 Carnation Instant Breakfast drinks in the morning, 1 at lunch, and 3 at bedtime.  

My mom and I are so scared that he's starving and won't tell us.  When we go out to eat he used to eat most of his food and right now he's not.  He's getting new molars and losing some more front ones so I know that's some of the problem.  It just stinks when you're eating dinner and he's interesting in what's on your plate and his plate but he has no will to try it.  We always pack snacks for him, because we know that he won't eat what's provided.  It's so hard, but the school tries to work with him on it and we work on it at home, so hopefully one day it will improve.

Jaxon at a birthday party eating chips that we brought.  What I wouldn't give for him to try a piece of birthday cake!

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