Hey guys!!! I just found out yesterday that I have Pneumonia, so I've been laying around resting while Jaxon has been at school and I thought I would jump on here and update you all on how Jaxon's been doing in school. He has made it through two and a half weeks of school with only one day being a little rough. Success!!!!! He was given his own desk in his class because my kid thinks that other students' stuff is his and he can chuck it across the room (rolling my eyes as I type). My mom asked about the desk and was told that he does really well with his work when he is at his desk. Less distraction. Plus he has a cool cubby in his desk for his stuff. AWESOME! I'm glad that between his General Education teacher and his aide, he is getting a lot of help.
Jaxon has also stopped drinking milk and his meal replacement drinks at school out of a sippy cup! I know, I know, a 6 1/2 year old kid in 1st grade drinking out of sippy cup? Eh. I've learned to let that go. Shoot he was 6 before he was fully potty-trained. Slow and steady wins the race ya'll. Anyways, he is now drinking out of regular cup and a straw at school. He doesn't drink it all, but I know with time, he will. I'm so thankful for the staff that has encouraged him and let him know that his "sippy disappeared" HAHA!
Jaxon has a new crush this year. Sweet Nadia isn't in his class this year (which is probably a good thing since my mom saw Jaxon bop her on the head at recess). Again, I'm rolling my eyes. He always seems to find one girl and become infatuated with her. Yesterday he wrote her first name and his last name. Oh dear, he is too young for this stuff!!!
We have also gotten back into reading stories at bedtime. I've always read to him, but during the summer I didn't push him reading to me that much. Now we have a reading log and he is doing great! I have to work on finding harder books for him!
Jaxon also loves the new music teacher. I'm just glad the adjustment of a new music teacher has gone well so far! I know that between having an aide this year, the new sensory room, and Jaxon using his noise reducing headphones when it's too loud has helped him tremendously so far this year. I know that this year will be a success.
His aide sent me this picture earlier this week. So proud of him being willing to try new things!!! |
I'm including a video of Jaxon and I having a "conversation". It's more of him saying random things, and me asking him questions, but it's our norm. His words just keep coming and coming and I'm hoping that one day, we will be able to sit down on the couch and talk about his day.
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